Commonly asked questions are listed below. Please contact us if yours are more specific or not addressed here.
General System Information
Can SHIELD monitor an alarm system installed by another company?
Yes, SHIELD can monitor a system installed by another company. There are many benefits of switching your monitoring to SHIELD. Call us or click here to learn more.
How long does it take to install a security system?
Installation of a security system can be quick (under two hours) or it can take as long as a full day. Installation time depends on many factors, including the amount of equipment used and the complexity of the job.
If I lose power, will my alarm still work?
Yes. Your system is equipped with a back-up battery that will provide power to your system for about a day. In the event your battery runs low, a signal is sent to the central station operators who will alert you that it’s time to change your back up battery.
Communication / Phone Service FAQs
I’m considering switching phone service. How will this affect my alarm system?
Please notify us before you switch your telephone service. Because your security system may rely on your landline phone for communication, your system may not communicate properly if you switch telephone service providers. To avoid compromising your alarm system, it’s critical we know when a change is made to your telephone service. We will run a test to confirm that we can receive signals.
I am considering bundling my cable, phone and internet services. Will my security system be affected?
Yes. Cable companies use Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology to make a voice call over the internet. This technology converts your phone calls from an analog signal to a digital signal, which can lead to a failed or distorted alarm signal. Please call our office if you plan on switching to VoIP. We will recommend a solution to save you money on your phone bill and keep your security intact.
Do SHIELD Security Systems work with VoIP phone service?
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a digital phone service provided by cable companies and some telecommunications companies. Rather than using traditional telephone lines to communicate alarm signals, these companies use the existing internet connection to transmit digital (rather than analog) signals. Although this digital technology effectively provides telephone service, it is unreliable for security systems. If you are considering a VoIP telephone service, you’ll need to make adjustments to your security system.
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Billing FAQs
How much is a security system?
It’s difficult to quote an exact price for a security system. The most effective security system will be customized to cover all accessible points of entry. Generally, SHIELD systems start as low as $395; the end price will depend on your unique needs and preferences.
How much is monthly monitoring?
SHIELD’s basic monthly monitoring is available for as low as $18.50 per month in most regions.
Can I pay my bill online?
Yes. SHIELD has a secure online portal for processing your credit card payment.
Service FAQs
I am having some windows and doors replaced. What should I do?
If you plan on having any construction done on your home (including replacing windows and doors), please notify our office in advance. On the day of the installation, call our office and ask that we put your system into “test mode” while the work is being done. SHIELD technicians or your contractor can then replace the contacts on the affected doors and windows.
My alarm system went off accidentally, but no one from central station called me. What happened?
In some jurisdictions, we are required to program a 30-second delay into your system. This is designed to reduce false alarms by giving you the opportunity to disarm the system after the alarm is activated but prior to the signal being sent. If you enter your code within the delay period, no signals will be sent to the central station. Therefore, no follow up phone call is necessary. If you aren’t sure if your system is working properly, call us and we will instruct you on how to properly test your system.
I’ve heard that it’s important to test my system. How do I do that?
Manufacturers suggest you test your security system weekly. Please call our office if you aren’t sure how to conduct a test. Testing is especially important if you’ve done any construction, or replaced windows or doors.
My keypad reads “Com Fail.” What does that mean?
“Com Fail” refers to “communication failure.” This happens when your security system loses telephone communication due to a power failure. Communication failures can be a result of several conditions, including telephone service interruption, cable outages, power outages, changes to the wiring in your home or business, or even a severed telephone line. Generally, resetting your system clears the message. To reset your system, simply arm it, then open a door or window, then disarm it by entering your code.
Why is my keypad beeping?
Beeping sounds from your keypad generally indicate a trouble condition. The most common trouble conditions are power outages, communication failure, low battery or other system problems. If you can’t stop the beeping by resetting the system, give us a call.
How do I change my back-up battery?
If your system battery is running low, your keypad will indicate the low battery condition. You’ll receive a call from our operators who will notify you that it’s time to replace your system battery. Changing a battery is simple. You can either pick up a battery from our office or we can send a service tech to handle it for you.
Account FAQs
Do I need an alarm permit?
Registration and permit requirements vary by city, county and state. Your SHIELD representative will know whether or not your area requires a permit and will handle all the associated filings and renewal.
Am I responsible for renewing my alarm permit?
This depends upon where you live. Some jurisdictions require that you maintain registration, while others require that we register your alarm and collect permit fees from you.
Can I add or change my own user codes?
Yes. When your system was installed, you received an instruction booklet that includes information about how to change or add users to your account. Please call us so we can assist you with changes.
How do I add or change people on my call list?
Simply call our office with your false alarm password to make any changes to your call list. Make sure that everyone on your list knows what to do when they receive a call from SHIELD. Our central station operators are not authorized to make changes, they must go through the business office.
How can I control my security system from my cell phone?
With Total Connect, you can manage your security system from your smartphone, tablet or computer. We can also retrofit older security systems by simply replacing the control panel and keypads.
Can you turn my alarm off from the SHIELD offices?
No. Your alarm system can only be turned off using your security code. SHIELD Security Systems technicians do not maintain a record of your codes.
I am moving soon, what should I do?
Please call us to let us know you will be moving. We will document your close date so that you won’t be charged for monitoring after you move. We look forward to securing your new home and we will credit any unused monitoring to your new address.